*.doc or *.pdf


one more question....if i have a word document and want it to show up on a website in adobe acrobat how would i transform it into a pdf file?<!--content-->For more information on this subject, visit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://htmlgoodies.earthweb.com/tutors/pdf.html">http://htmlgoodies.earthweb.com/tutors/pdf.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->thanks kman! =D<!--content-->Assuming that you have Adobe Acrobat,<br />
Open MS Word<br />
Select Print<br />
Select 'Acrobat Distiller' as your printer<br />
Save as PDF file<!--content-->thanks!<!--content-->For you guys out there that don't have Acrobat, you get five conversions for free online. You simply upload the .doc and get the same file as pdf sent to you by email.<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://createpdf.adobe.com/">http://createpdf.adobe.com/</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
-asle<!--content-->well that was easy enough...<br />
i love it when things work! :D<!--content-->