Do you like my new page?


I'm made a new portfolio page on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and I would like to know what you think of it.<br />
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I also like to know if you know where to get a nice scrollbar witch I can adjust instead of the terrible one that you normally have in explorer?<br />
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Thank already<br />
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Rogier<!--content-->Some really very nice stuff in your portfolio. I liked the web page although I'm not sure about it being wide - I didn't realise at first and sat wondering where the portfolio links were. Can I just suggest some kind of graphic hint that there's more to the right.<br />
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Cheers<!--content-->You really need to have it so it scrolls down not to the right.<!--content-->I know that its not normal to scroll a page to the right but I like the idea becouse you can make a storieboard with it.<br />
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Anyway the advice is good to find a way to make it grafics so that you see right away that the page goes to the right. I made it so I didn't think of it.<br />
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Thanks :)<br />
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Rogier<!--content--> it would look even better with an icon that says your code is valid and have a link to some validator valid code results. Right now your site is not valid html 4.01 transitional, if I were a business owned I would not hire you because inaccessable websites do hurt profit.<!--content-->I will see what I have to change, I didn't know of this site.<br />
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Nice option to see how to make it so every browser can read it good.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Rogier Koning<!--content-->sir, <br />
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i like the horizontal scroll i think it looks goof for the purpose of your website. it doesn't have to be vertical scroll. i very much like the design.<br />
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i think you should follow the validation advice. but apart from that, it looks good.<br />
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many regards,<br />
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David<!--content-->if you want it to scroll right, you should make sure it won't scroll down with low res people<!--content-->agreed :) You should also look into optimizing your images, running DSL and there is quite a delay on load :)<br />
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edit:<br />
Scratch that, your images are a good size, perhaps it was just network congestion.<!--content-->You said that you want to change the scrollbar.<br />
..............................................................<br />
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<style type="text/css"><br />
body <br />
{ <br />
scrollbar-face-color: #ffffff;<br />
scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #038E72;<br />
scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;<br />
scrollbar-track-color: #083E72;<br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #083E72<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
<br />
.............................................................<br />
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(Use in the <head></head> tag.)<br />
Just change the colors to what you want.<!--content-->Originally posted by elwell <br />
You said that you want to change the scrollbar.<br />
or not. That code will work for internet explorer only because it is not css but rather ie propriestary code. You will faily your css validation with that one if you use it. Its not a huge deal, but just in general I do not like people who recolor scroll bars (I did it on my site but I am redoing my site) because it seems liek they always make them black on black or white on white to where I cannot see them, I can only see the arrows.<!--content-->well if you do a nice job about it, then i don't see a problem with working with IE<!--content-->Originally posted by IncaWarrior <br />
well if you do a nice job about it, then i don't see a problem with working with IE I would just assumme leave scroll bars on the body alone alltogether but thats just me.<!--content-->And how does one look at your portfolio with JavaScript disabled?<!--content-->Why would you switch javscript off?<!--content-->Originally posted by zingmatter <br />
Why would you switch javscript off? <br />
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Some browsers don't have it on by default, and then there are those people who turn it off because far too many web designers do stupid things with JavaScript. Last year around 13% of the net had JavaScript disabled. This year I think it's around 4%-5%.<!--content-->I keep mine turned off except when It needs to be on because it cuts down on advertising, annoying background music, no right click scripts, annoying affects misc, and if a site depends on js chances are the site is not very good because major websites have high payed webmasters that would get a sever... b**ching out for making the place inaccessable and have to redo it.<!--content-->Site Looks Great, Has Some Good Stuffs too.<!--content-->