Do Until is not working as expected (ASP Classic)


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I have an Active Server Page, which displays Booking of the current Day. With that Code i get the Informations from the DataBase:\[code\]Do Until Recordset.Eof "select raum_id, KOPPELBESTUHLUNG_ID from RESERVIERUNGRAUM where buchung_id = " & Recordset("buchung_id"), Connection raum_id = rsRaum("raum_id") KOPPELBESTUHLUNG_ID = rsRaum("KOPPELBESTUHLUNG_ID") rsRaum.close "SELECT NAME, FIRMA FROM TEILNEHMER WHERE BUCHUNG_ID =" & Recordset("buchung_id") & "and STATUS = 2 and DAILYPLAN = 1" , Connection if not rsRaum.EOF then TeilnehmerNameExtern = rsRaum("NAME") TeilnehmerFirmaExtern = rsRaum("FIRMA") end if rsRaum.close ' hole Raum Details "select bezeichnung from Raum where ID = " & raum_id, Connection raumname = rsRaum("bezeichnung") rsRaum.close Recordset.MoveNext Loop\[/code\]So Far it works fine. My Only Problem is that part:\[code\] "SELECT NAME, FIRMA FROM TEILNEHMER WHERE BUCHUNG_ID =" & Recordset("buchung_id") & "and STATUS = 2 and DAILYPLAN = 1" , Connection if not rsRaum.EOF then TeilnehmerNameExtern = rsRaum("NAME") TeilnehmerFirmaExtern = rsRaum("FIRMA") end if rsRaum.close\[/code\]My Problem: I have a Booking, to that Booking i assign three Participants (TEILNEHMER). But if i try to display the Participants, the ASP is only displaying one of that three Participants, which i assigned to that booking. What should i do to get alle the Participants which are assigned to that booking? Do i have to loop also through that part of Code? I have tried but nothing worked.Can Someone help me?