Hi, I read that it is good to have your keywords bolded, but I don't want mine to show up as bold when people are looking at them. so if i have <b style="font-weight: normal">text</b> will that look the same as a bold tag to google? I also would like to know the same thing about <h1> tags. Also, does it matter any to search engines whether you use <strong> tags instead of <b> tags?Thanks, Mattusing bold, italics, underlines, etc on your pages helps. do it around your important keywords, I dont think it makes difference whether to use <strong> or <b>, use CSS if you want to size up the huge H1 tags to make nice and neatIt only has a very slight impact on positioning/ranking. I wouldn't go overboard with it, still make it look natural.can google sense if I have made, say <h1> in CSS with white color and some bigger size, but actually it doesnt show on front end except <h1> tag,Is it spamming ??kashyapyes it is spamming if you are going to have that wording in the same color as your background.better not to try that. you will get banned madmonk wrote: