Hi I have a web site reasonably optimised from my basic laymans knowledge !
1. Thing I'm not sure of is when a spider picks up pages for that site does it hit the index page and then look for links from that page to find out what's on the site - or are back links just as good?
Reason is I have some pages which are more article based that link back to one of the main pages in my site - but that main page doesn't link out to the article ( for compliance reasons - regulated business) so there is a link back to that page but not a forward link - do the Spiddys still find the links and pages ?
2. sitemap has all pages listed inc article ones and is submitted to google but what about yeehaa and nsm ??
3. Google base is it worth submitting articles there ? do you get any links or PR for doing it ?
anyone answer those 3 queries - ps why doesn't the forum have a betetr search facility I'm sure this has probably been asked before but couldn't search for it - how about a HUGE search button for us thickkies ?
cheers !
1. Thing I'm not sure of is when a spider picks up pages for that site does it hit the index page and then look for links from that page to find out what's on the site - or are back links just as good?
Reason is I have some pages which are more article based that link back to one of the main pages in my site - but that main page doesn't link out to the article ( for compliance reasons - regulated business) so there is a link back to that page but not a forward link - do the Spiddys still find the links and pages ?
2. sitemap has all pages listed inc article ones and is submitted to google but what about yeehaa and nsm ??
3. Google base is it worth submitting articles there ? do you get any links or PR for doing it ?
anyone answer those 3 queries - ps why doesn't the forum have a betetr search facility I'm sure this has probably been asked before but couldn't search for it - how about a HUGE search button for us thickkies ?
cheers !