Do parked domains get spidered?


New Member
Hi guys,

Here's something that's been playing on my mind the last few days. Now, please forgive me if this is in the wrong forum, and again, please forgive me if this has been answered before!

I've parked a few of my domains with DomainHop (like Sedo, they put ads on your domain, paying you for click throughs).

Now, my question is kind of a 'multi-part' one, so here goes:
1) If I submitted the domains to the various search engines, would they get indexed? I'm going to assume they probably wouldn't, but:
2) If not, will the domain names themselves be 'indexed'?

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I don't expect my parked domains to show for searches for things advertised on my page, but what I'm really curious is will they still show up if someone searches for the words that make up my domain name?

If I have and someone searches for 'some thing or other', Google shows me a link to Will this still be the case if my site is just plastered with ads?

Is there any point whatsoever to submitting these sites and more importantly, are there any reasons why I shouldn't?

Many thanks for helping the new guy!