Do my head In..


If anyone has a spare five minutes could they look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> in Netscape4. It is a framed index page, I am having problems with the main frame being displayed in this version of NS (NS6 is fine). The page that doesn't display is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, so you will probably need to have a look at the code in that page to offer a solution. I'm assuming it's a tables issue...also the background is blue which should be white. (I'm working on the top frame so don't worry about that), it is the main frame that is giving me hassles..!<br />
All thoughts gratefully received.<!--content-->well noticed a couple of these<br />
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it needs something in those for Netscape (& nbsp;). also I did notice you are loaded a ifram. that might have somehting to do with it. although I don't have netscape here at work, I can only see the code and take a guess.<!--content-->This is the result when I try to view your page in NS 4.7.<br />
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Sorry about the quality of the capture, I needed to pull it down in orddr to get a small sized image.<br />
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The background of the main frame looks a bit to dark to me, you should change the bacjground color to white I think.<!--content-->after previewing it in Netscape 4.79 I was unable to get to the main page as I got a netscape.html page telling me to Download <!--more--> IE or NS6.<br />
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I did however look at the main.html page and I was right the first time. loading the layer or iframe is changing the background to the background of the map1.html page.<!--content-->