Do google public service ads pay?


New Member
On a few pages of my site google usually display public service ads, I dont know if they can't figure out what content is on that page, or if they have no ads for that content.... The question is, Do you get paid for clicks on public service ads?You will not get paid on those clicks as they are non-profit organizations.Is there a way of opting out of them?They only show because Google hasn't figured out what that page/site is about. Should change over eventually. You may need to write better content around the ads.You can use this tool if you want tocompletely remove them though: should also know that Google Adsense has what is known as an "Alternate Ad" feature, which lets you replace the public service ads with your own. In my case I replace the public service ads with ads to other sites in our network.Bigwebmaster wrote:I'm going to assume the "alternates" don't pay either, correct? However, it is a nice opportunity to toss in some advertising for other services you may offer etc, I would think.That sounds good.If i have seperate channels would i be able to display a banner to my forum in the directory and a banner to the directory in my forum?I'll have to have a look at that later.No they don't pay. It is best if you use your own defaults ads inplace of the public service ads.You will often get PSA's on a site if the page is new, if the AdSense bot can not spider the page for some reason or if the page doesn't get a lot of traffic. Even pages that are old can and from time to time will get PSA's. Annoying, but it happens. Set an alternative ad. It can be whatever you want. Some people load a file from their server which may be a banner ad, a similar looking block of ads (be careful not to mimick Google's ad too closely though!) or there are other ad networks that can be used to serve up alternate ads - and those do pay.Of course if you don't have a lot of pages serving up ads, and only a small percentage probably ever show ads, it could take a long time to make the $25 or $50, or who knows, maybe $100 they require to pay you... so serving up a banner from your site may be the best solution for most people.