Do google ads help with spidering?


New Member
Its content trageted. So you get spidered every time someone looks at the page with an add. Well at least it does on my site. But does it actually catch your pages? It seems like it does is some cases.What are your thoughts on that?I believe Google has made a public statement that participating in their Google Adsense program will not help you site be indexed quicker or spidered more often. Infact, I believe the SE bots and the Adsense bots are two different types of bots.'m sure you can find it somewhere at that URL. Nope, participating in AdSense does not help you at all with Google (they claim).The AdSense database (for URLs that display ads) and their search engine database, are two completely separate entities (they claim).I put "they claim", not to imply that it's not true, just that that's what they say and I've no proof one way or the other, but I'm inclined to believe it. The only reason why i was asking is because i made a webpage with google ads on it. I did not tell anyone about it + I did not link it to anything. It was also in a double directory eg in a few days it got indexed May be google ads dont help spidering but they deffenetely tell google that this page exists... Well i think so anyway.You should try it as well.