Nickoli Viskouski
New Member
If a lot of sites linked to your domain, and then you made another domain your main domain, would that still count towards your rep/etc. or are all those dead now? I believe these are still counted by Google provided that you use a 301 redirect, although it will take time for Google to pick up these new links as relating to your new site.
At least I hope this is the case as I have just moved my site today... Well, when you redirect one domain to a new domain it takes some time depending on the size of site to get all properties like backlinks, ranking, PR etc. If you're on a Linux or Unix server that supports mod_rewrite, create a file called .htacces and place it in your main web directory (probably public_html). Place this code in it:
Code: rewriteengine onredirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ http://www.newdomain.comredirectMatch permanent ^(.*)$ http://www.newdomain.comThis will do a search-engine friendly redirect for all requests to old domains and convert them to the new one.
Alternatively, this could work, too:
Code: rewriteengine onredirect 301 / um Im kinda a noob. I use a wordpress blog ( and I want to make the domain something like or something You MUST make sure to use proper redirects. If your old domain is redirected to the new one with javascript, then google will NOT follow. If you use a proper HTTP response code (ie moved permanently) then all your backlinks should still count. Um can you explain how to do this? Doesnt Wordpress do all this automatically so I have no say it though? (i.e. I just purchase the domain and it comes up registered) Quote: Originally Posted by CanSpace You MUST make sure to use proper redirects. If your old domain is redirected to the new one with javascript, then google will NOT follow. If you use a proper HTTP response code (ie moved permanently) then all your backlinks should still count. Can is correct. Also if you have changed url's make sure you update your Google Webmaster Tools. I think you're assuming I made a site from scratch. No, I have a WP blog.
And Im thinking about changing the domain to or something. And Im a noob so I dont really understand much of the above stuff you guys mentioned ^^^^ Quote: Are you leaving Would you like to redirect (as well as all of your permalinks) to your new domain name?
We do not have an upgrade specifically for redirects, but it can be done using a domain mapping trick.... Domain Mapping ?Redirecting Your Blog
But then when you go to their Domain Mapping it says:
Quote: The Domain Mapping Upgrade allows you to use a custom domain name such as instead of the standard domain name ? ?for your blog. This is a paid upgrade....
...The Domain Mapping Upgrade does not enable the permission to use advertising, any kind of prohibited code, or upload additional themes and plugins. With the upgrade, your blog will still be hosted here at, which means that you will not have FTP access to your files and must still abide by our Terms of Service accordingly. So that doesn't work out very well.
What the rest of them were trying to explain was if you moved your blog from to then at the new location you park the old domain and permanently redirect the old domain to the new one. Which isn't going help in your case because you are still limited by the rules of
What started up your new blog on your own domain name and posted the blog posts at the new location then went back to the version and changed the posts to intros to the subject with links to the full version. Eventually the old version would loose it's PR and stuff but there's no particular hurry to drop the old blog until the new one takes off. Did this with a Blogger blog I had (although it wasn't that big when I did it) and it helped get the new location going.
At least I hope this is the case as I have just moved my site today... Well, when you redirect one domain to a new domain it takes some time depending on the size of site to get all properties like backlinks, ranking, PR etc. If you're on a Linux or Unix server that supports mod_rewrite, create a file called .htacces and place it in your main web directory (probably public_html). Place this code in it:
Code: rewriteengine onredirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ http://www.newdomain.comredirectMatch permanent ^(.*)$ http://www.newdomain.comThis will do a search-engine friendly redirect for all requests to old domains and convert them to the new one.
Alternatively, this could work, too:
Code: rewriteengine onredirect 301 / um Im kinda a noob. I use a wordpress blog ( and I want to make the domain something like or something You MUST make sure to use proper redirects. If your old domain is redirected to the new one with javascript, then google will NOT follow. If you use a proper HTTP response code (ie moved permanently) then all your backlinks should still count. Um can you explain how to do this? Doesnt Wordpress do all this automatically so I have no say it though? (i.e. I just purchase the domain and it comes up registered) Quote: Originally Posted by CanSpace You MUST make sure to use proper redirects. If your old domain is redirected to the new one with javascript, then google will NOT follow. If you use a proper HTTP response code (ie moved permanently) then all your backlinks should still count. Can is correct. Also if you have changed url's make sure you update your Google Webmaster Tools. I think you're assuming I made a site from scratch. No, I have a WP blog.
And Im thinking about changing the domain to or something. And Im a noob so I dont really understand much of the above stuff you guys mentioned ^^^^ Quote: Are you leaving Would you like to redirect (as well as all of your permalinks) to your new domain name?
We do not have an upgrade specifically for redirects, but it can be done using a domain mapping trick.... Domain Mapping ?Redirecting Your Blog
But then when you go to their Domain Mapping it says:
Quote: The Domain Mapping Upgrade allows you to use a custom domain name such as instead of the standard domain name ? ?for your blog. This is a paid upgrade....
...The Domain Mapping Upgrade does not enable the permission to use advertising, any kind of prohibited code, or upload additional themes and plugins. With the upgrade, your blog will still be hosted here at, which means that you will not have FTP access to your files and must still abide by our Terms of Service accordingly. So that doesn't work out very well.
What the rest of them were trying to explain was if you moved your blog from to then at the new location you park the old domain and permanently redirect the old domain to the new one. Which isn't going help in your case because you are still limited by the rules of
What started up your new blog on your own domain name and posted the blog posts at the new location then went back to the version and changed the posts to intros to the subject with links to the full version. Eventually the old version would loose it's PR and stuff but there's no particular hurry to drop the old blog until the new one takes off. Did this with a Blogger blog I had (although it wasn't that big when I did it) and it helped get the new location going.