DN Syndicate, Division Of Convergence Companies, Launches Th


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DN Syndicate launches three new websites for the domain name industry targeted specifically to those participating in aftermarket domain name buying and selling.

Brighton, CO (PRWEB) August 19, 2006 -- The DN Syndicate (DNsyndicate.com), a division of Convergence Companies, has recently launched three web sites targeted specifically to those participating in aftermarket domain name buying and selling.

The three websites are: AuctionYourDomain.Name, EscrowYourDomain.Name, and DiscussYourDomain.Name.

AuctionYourDomain.Name allows users to buy and sell domain names and websites. Escrow on sales is backed by EscrowYourDomain.Name on their secure server. Those interested in sharing and learning about domain names can do so on DiscussYourDomain.Name.

"These three websites are only a few of our domain related services we have planned," stated Denis R. Westphal, president of Convergence Companies which owns and operates the DNsyndicate. "The aftermarket domain industry continues to grow and thrive. With the general public becoming more exposed to ccTLDs [country code extensions like .us for the United States, and .de for Germany], those holding domains in various extensions will see their portfolios increase in value and demand. Having a company that actively participates in the selling of your domains is crucial."

For additional information, visit the Web sites or contact them directly.

Convergence Companies
5213 Golden Eagle Pkwy.
Brighton, CO 80601-8741

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