What do you need to do to become a dmoz editor.You need to be smart. Like me. But seriously, just review three sites that are not already listed honestly and unbiasly with proper language. Choose a category that you are really interested in, that way you can explain better why you want to be an editor of that one.DMOZ quoteQuote:Another thing, after you get in, never argue with the metaeditors. This won't be good for your health.Let me tell you a story. A website was listed in the right category once upon a time. Then I became a dmoz editor. And next day I discover that website in another category which I firmly believe is less relevent than the previous one. And I moaned and groaned and requested that the site be restored back to its rightuous category, which had a pr of 5, But it was to no avail. And so it goes to this day. In dmoz, meta editors are all in all. Whats the difference between meta editors and normal editors.also, is that related to my question.Quote:I think I should add more to the last post and make things clearer. You must definitely mention that you are associated with this and that website. But don't just come out and say that you will add your site first thing in the morning.Meta editors can edit any or many categories as opposed to the normal ones who can edit only the one/s he is assigned tk thanks for the info.how long does it take for the application??In Denmark it takes about 24 hours to get a response. My guess is that it takes a bit longer in the english speaking part of the category.cheers.I have just applied to dmoz... Is it possible to be an editor in different categories?Quote: