DMOZ listing, just got it, now what?


New Member
I just got my site, ComputerBB, listed at DMOZ here: ... Tutorials/Which other sites use the DMOZ data other that Google?For those of you still waiting a review, I submitted mine around Easter, however, I did submit an old domain which I had redirect to the new one quite some time are lucky. a lot of sites use dmoz directory data. getting dmoz listing is like winning the lottery.that's because most people who submit to dmoz don't select the correct numbers (or "suggest" for the right category, provide an adequate description, etc.)I posted one of my sites about 2 months ago, and it turned up in the index after about only 3 weeks.well, technically an editor isn't supposed to reject a site just because the description is bad/the category is wrong.but yes, if you do it right, it should be a lot speedier. I know when I edit the last ones in the list to go through are the really horrible submissions. if you can't spend the time to fix your description, don't expect us to be eager to do it.No, they're not supposed to reject it because of that, but it can cause the submission to be delayed by several weeks/months while it goes through the submission process all over again in the correct category.Be patient and good things will come to your site witht the dmoz. My homepage took forever to get in but did a few weeks ago. Now I even got a subpage to be listed. I hope this really boosts my PR having two pages of my site in. Just shows that good things can happen when you have plenty of pages with rich content on themDMOZ will list subpages to different categories? I thought only the domains?If there is subtopics that fit and you have good content you can be in more than one category.Yep,An example for one of my sites in The editor for the boy scout category in DMOZ found we had ornaments of boy scouts and added a subcategory page from our site: ... rchandise/