Dl various files tutorial?


Hello,<br />
<br />
I was wondering if anyone knew of any tutorials or that that would allow someone to DL a adobe Acrobat file..or .wav?<br />
Thanks!<!--content-->The easiest way is to put them in a .zip file. If you have access to any server side scripting you can force the browser to prompt the user to Download <!--more--> the file, rather then the browser handleing the file. That gets into http headers.<br />
<br />
Private Sub Download <!--more-->File(ByVal dlFile As String)<br />
dlFile = RationalizePath(dlFile)<br />
If (Ds.Exists(dlFile)) Then<br />
lblStatus.Text = "You cannot Download <!--more--> a directory !"<br />
Else<br />
Response.Clear()<br />
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & SelectedFSItem.Value)<br />
Response.WriteFile(dlFile)<br />
Response.Flush()<br />
Response.End()<br />
End If<br />
End Sub<br />
<br />
That is some asp.net /w vb.net that will do this. But like I said, the easiest way is to zip them.<!--content-->Thanks very much :)<!--content-->no problem.<!--content-->