divs going off the page


I understand that this is probably a very easy fix but Im a PHP developer, I dont have much experience with this end of web development.<br />
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I have a layout I am trying to get right, using div tags. There is a menu on the left and an image on the top right. I want to stop the layers disappearing off the window when its re-sized quite small. The link is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bodytechnologyltd.com/test4.html">http://www.bodytechnologyltd.com/test4.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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If you shrink the window you will see the left menu go under the logo on the top left, and the leaf on the top right goes off the left edge when you shrink the window.<br />
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Any ideas?<br />
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Ben.<!--content-->I think its becuase there absolutly positioned try setting the position to relative that might work.<!--content-->That seemed to stop them going outside of the window, but I cant seem to get the menu to align to the bottom like it should, or the leaf to align to the top right.<!--content-->Well what browser are you using becuase everything looked kosher to me anyway the menu is at the left and the leaf is in the top right and im using firefox.<!--content-->Sorry, I had changed it back. If you take a look now, I have removed the top right leaf for the moment. The left menu should be aligned to the bottom left and the logo aligned to the top left. Then when the window height is reduced, the left menu will slide up, but not under the logo.<br />
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It seems to be that using absolute positioning lets me position it on the bottom, but the layer slides off the top when the window is shrunk. Using relative, makes it not slide under the logo, but the bottom:0px; is ignored.<!--content-->maybe try to use floats instead of the other methods youve tryed already.<!--content-->I'll give it a bash. Thanks.<!--content-->I have managed to get the left column looking right now using a combination of absolute, relative and tables.<br />
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I basically used the original, but with relative tables to stop the layer disappearing off the edge when it was shrunk. I then used tables in the layers to align content with either the bottom or top.<br />
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Many thanks for your help - it was much appreciated<br />
Ben.<!--content-->No Problem:)<!--content-->It now works in IE, Netscape and IE for Mac - but not in Opera or Safari :(<br />
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In Opera, the menus do not align with the bottom of the page and Safari just slops it all over the place aparently. Ah well 3 out of 5 will do me for now.<!--content-->Well i would start by gettin a doc type for your page then after that validate your document and see if its valid this might break down more errors.<!--content-->