div tag used to create a scrolling box


hi,<br />
instead of using a frameset to product a scrolling box inside a page, I want to use a div tag, which I heard is easier, can anyone quickly tell me how this is done, or post some code that produces what I want,<br />
thanks a lot<!--content-->what exactly do you want to do? A DIV tag is a container for HTML tags... you can insert text but also images, inputs and other stuff. With the overflow (see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/librabry">http://msdn.microsoft.com/librabry</a><!-- m -->) attribute you can say that there must be scrollbars.<br />
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JayDie<!--content-->Damon,<br />
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Using CSS, add width: npx; height: npx; overflow: auto; to your DIV. Where n is equivalent to any integer, and does not have to be the same in both instances. When the DIV exceeds the specified width and/or height, scrollbars will appear, rather than expanding.<br />
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You cannot use a DIV in the place of an IFrame or frame, because it is not its own document, it is just a display technique.<br />
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Hope this helps,<br />
[J]ona<!--content-->You helped me.<br />
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I was going to redo the pics on my site because they kept scrolling when I didn't want them to. I wanted just the text to scroll. But now I see how to use div to add the scrollbar. Thanks.<!--content-->Glad you got it working.<br />
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