Hello everybody!,My name is Jacob and I work for an SEO firm in SLC, Utah. I am constantly working on trying to improve my company's procedures when it comes to SEO and Web Development and I was wondering if anyone here knows if CSS sites made up of div tags and css is search engine friendly and is it ok to use the visibility: hidden; in CSS or to through text off the page by setting a negative margin etc.Even if I do not hide text do you think sites made up of CSS and div tags is search engine friendly? Have any of you put one together and if so what kind of results did it produce for you? I am in the middle of testing a small site now, but I would like to know your opinion.ThanxThere is a lot of mixed opinion on this, some people say CSS sites are better optimised, But i don't see why they would be. I don't see why google would prefer a site that is coded in CSS, Google cares about information, Not your prefered method of styling a page.