I'm stuck with a problem that drives me crazy. I'm working on a website that has a box in the same div with the main navigation. It shows all the way to the right (the bar has width 100%) and I need it to show in the div with the main navigation (width 1020px)I'm changing the structure of my divs, but it will only show correctly in Chrome (win). I have also tested Safari (win), Chrome (mac), and Safari (win).Here's what I have:HTML\[code\]<div id="navigation" class="gb_ff clearfix"><div id="main_navigation" class="container hor_navigation clearfix"><?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'theme_location' => 'header', 'depth' =>'2', 'container' => 'none' ) ); ?><?php if ( !is_user_logged_in() ): ?><div id="nav_subscription" class="subscription_form clearfix"><span id="subscribe_dd" class="contrast"><?php gb_e( 'Get the Latest Deals' ) ?></span></div><!-- #main_navigation --><div id="subscription_form_wrap" style="display:none;"><div class="optinbar_close" style="bottom: 202px; left: -10px;"></div><p class="fillout2">