Div same size every screen


New Member
On my website people can post images on a board and drag them around.At the moment I use the following:\[code\]width:60%;height 40%;\[/code\]They can save their work.The position is saved with margins so a image can be \[code\]top:50px;\[/code\] and \[code\]left:150px;\[/code\]So its 50px to the right of the left border of the div and 50px down from the top of the div.If they load their work it has to look exactly the same.So if a image was on the lower right corner it has to be on the lower right corner when they load the file.My problem is that if a user loads it on a different resolution it takes the margins and if the screen resolution is bigger on the next screen the image won't be on the lower right corner because there is more room cause 50% of 1200 is less than 50% of 1900.So I have to use \[code\]width\[/code\] and \[code\]height\[/code\] in px but if i set 600px on the 1200 px it will look good but 600px on the 1900px won't look good.Is there a way to use px but make it look good on every page?So basicly i want to use px but it must look the same (like when i use %) so the margins will be the same and the page looks the same no big open spaces on big resolutions.
on the example i made a board in 1366 and reopened it in 1024 the images take the margin from the left so it is out of the original board.But the board (yellow background) is the same % of the screen.So i want a board thats the same % of the screen but loads the images the same on every resolution so bottom right corner on 1025 screen must be bottom right corner of 1366 screen. if i use px only the site looks diffrent on all resolutions and thats what i want t prevent.