DIV floated left with auto width to fit in MAN div with 980px width


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I have those DIV'S\[code\]<div class='content'> <div class='div2'>content 2</div> <div class='div2'>content 2</div> <div class='div2'>content 2content 2</div> <div class='div2'>content 2</div> <div class='div1'>content 1</div></div>\[/code\]Main div is fixed size = 980px, inside it i have DIV class'div1' its floated RIGHT and is fixed size. All i want DIVS with class DIV2 to be:1. Floated left,2. Auto width so thay will fill all the remaining size 740px, 3. content inside 'div2' align center.i have this CSS code:\[code\].content { width:980px; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding:5px;}.div1 { overflow: hidden; float:right; width: 140px;}.div2 { float:left; width: auto; border-right: 1px solid #ccc; text-align:center;}\[/code\]But i cannot achive 2. Auto width so thay will fill all the remaining size 740px