Div / Block element to appear under a float?


New Member
Given the following example at:http://jsfiddle.net/DLHGs/1/Is it possible to have the \[code\]bye\[/code\] element to render below \[code\]hi\[/code\], but still remain to the right of the red block? (Rather than on the same line)To clarify, I dont want to have any uses of \[code\]<br />\[/code\], and the \[code\]float:left\[/code\] applied to \[code\]hi\[/code\] is not removable, and I dont want to set any other \[code\]width\[/code\] or \[code\]height\[/code\] properties other than those already specified.Edit:Solution: http://jsfiddle.net/T4XMq/