Dita XML import


New Member
I have a question about DITA when making the ANT file I am trying to import my own xsl for a pdf trasformation, but it gives me either a build error or does nothing to change I am doing something like this\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><project name="ram_pdf" default="rams_manual.pdf" basedir="."> <property name="dita.dir" location="${basedir}/../.."/> <target name="rams_manual.pdf" description="build the RAMS as PDF" depends="clean.rams_manual.pdf"> <ant antfile="${dita.dir}/build.xml"> <property name="args.input" location="${dita.dir}/ram_manual/ram_manual.ditamap"/> <property name="args.xsl" location="${dita.dir}/ram_manual/xsl/ram.xsl"/> <property name="args.xsl" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10842093/${dita.dir}/ram_manual/xsl/ram.xsl"/> <property name="output.dir" location="${dita.dir}/ram_manual/OUTPUT/pdf"/> <property name="transtype" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10842093/pdf"/> </ant> </target> <target name="clean.rams_manual.pdf" description="remove the RAM PDF output"> <delete dir="${dita.dir}/ram_manual/OUTPUT/pdf"/> </target></project>\[/code\]This is then imported to a main build ant that builds the html. I am using DTIA Bookmap. I like to extend to the current XSL-FO and just change some of the way it is displaying in the pdf. Any cluses?Thank You