distorted images with ftp!!!!!!!!


everytime i upload an image, in any format, it gets distorted. yet when i view it on my computer it looks fine. i have tried Cute ftp, FlashFXP, and another ftp client, none of them seem to resolve the problem, also i have tried changing from auto detect to binary. that still doesnt work. i dont know what to do. 90% of my images are distorted on upload.<!--content-->Give us an example link of a distorted image, just for reference.<!--content-->I've never heard of anything of that sort happening to anyone. Are you sure that it is the ftp program. E-Mail me a pic that is not working (if it's not porn) and I will try to upload them using WS FTP Pro.<br />
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My address: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:p[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Originally posted by Will <br />
everytime i upload an image, in any format, it gets distorted. yet when i view it on my computer it looks fine. i have tried Cute ftp, FlashFXP, and another ftp client, none of them seem to resolve the problem, also i have tried changing from auto detect to binary. that still doesnt work. i dont know what to do. 90% of my images are distorted on upload. <br />
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Transfer problem methinks, as long as you upload in binary it should be fine. Do you know what type of server it is? Some servers require special FTP settings, but they are rare.<br />
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What do you mean by distorted, are they progressive jpgs that have just not finished Download <!--more-->ing yet??? I'd advise you to clear your cache...<br />
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<Full of answers, but here are some questions for a change><br />
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<Defying convention><br />
c9<!--content-->http://www.winxpforums.com/images/logo2.jpg<br />
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that image got distorted, it is on my screen anyways, i have restarted and it is still messed up, i dont know what happened. <br />
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the closest thing i have to that is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winxpforums.com/images/logo.gif">http://www.winxpforums.com/images/logo.gif</a><!-- m --><br />
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What do you mean by distorted, are they progressive jpgs that have just not finished Download <!--more-->ing yet??? I'd advise you to clear your cache... <br />
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that happens to the gif images, though its not that they dont finish Download <!--more-->ing its just thats how they appear. <br />
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Do you know what type of server it is? Some servers require special FTP settings, but they are rare. <br />
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its a linux/unix server im not quite sure which one. i havent had this problem until recently. sometimes it will distort them and other times it wont. but lately im lucky if i get a 70% chance of gettin an image to upload correctly.<!--content-->just to verify, it is a UNIX server i just checked<!--content-->i just uploaded the pic as a gif, here is the result, if this doesnt show up on your guys' screen i think i might jump out my window =\<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winxpforums.com/images/logo2.gif">http://www.winxpforums.com/images/logo2.gif</a><!-- m --><!--content-->The JPEG image looks fine.<br />
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The GIF image is distorted at the bottom.<br />
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Are you sure you are uploading in binary mode?<br />
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Does your FTP connection time out before the image finishes loading?<br />
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I have never used any of the FTP clients you have mentioned. I use WS_FTP95 LE. You can get it from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://Download">http://Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.cnet.com<!--content-->In cute ftp go to Transfer > Type > and choose Binary.<br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->I've uploaded it in binary and here it is:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/prodeveloping/logo2.jpg">http://www.geocities.com/prodeveloping/logo2.jpg</a><!-- m --><br />
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Looks okay to me!<br />
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(Excuse me for the geocities - it was the only host that I am registered with when I thought where I should upload it to. I do not endorse Yahoo by any means :).)<!--content-->hmmm...the gif with the missing file data (causing the funny colored lines at the bottom) looks like the upload was terminated before all the file was recieved or there is some file corruption on the server.<!--content-->I think that Kevin is right.<!--content-->