displaying xslt result via a hyperlink


New Member
How can i display the xslt transformation via a hyperlink? my xslt displays the list of students, but what i want to do is have a hyperlink called "Student List" and when clicked it should dispaly the list of students.have tried using the \[code\]<a href>\[/code\] tag but it isn't working properly, below is my xml and xslt\[code\]<Students> <Student id="St01"> <FirstName>Dila</FirstName> <MiddleName>M</MiddleName> <LastName>Silva</LastName> <DOB>1982-12-12</DOB> <CourseStudied>MSC-Computer Science (Part-time)</CourseStudied> </Student> <Student id="St02"> <name>Mary</name> <DOB>1992-03-01</DOB> <CourseStudied>BSC-Computer Science(Full Time)</CourseStudied> </Student></Students>\[/code\]and xslt \[code\] <xsl:output method="html" /> <xsl:template match="Students"> <h1>List Of Students</h1> <br/> <xsl:apply-templates select="Student"></xsl:apply-templates> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="Student"> <h3> Student Name:<xsl:value-of select="FirstName"/>   <xsl:value-of select="MiddleName"/>   <xsl:value-of select="LastName"/> <br/> Student DOB:<xsl:value-of select="DOB"/><br/> Course Studied:<xsl:value-of select="CourseStudied"/><br/> </h3> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>\[/code\]