I created a new website: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.poorcreditgenie.com">www.poorcreditgenie.com</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.poorcreditgenie.com">http://www.poorcreditgenie.com</a><!-- m -->) through Network Solutions and uploaded it about 1 week ago. I added the URL 2X to google and also submitted the URL through Network Solutions' program where they distribute it to 40 search engines.
So far, I cannot find the website on google, yahoo, msn or the other search engines?
Can anyone tell me what is the average time to see your new website displayed via search engines?
So far, I cannot find the website on google, yahoo, msn or the other search engines?
Can anyone tell me what is the average time to see your new website displayed via search engines?