Displaying multi-table fields in a Datagrid?


New Member
Hello,<BR> Could anyone tell me how to display fields from related tables in a single datagrid? I have one datagrid and I need to put fields from different related tables in it.. <BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Rajesh<BR>Use a multi table query:<BR>similiar to following:<BR>SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.Zip<BR>FROM TB_User u, TB_Address a<BR>WHERE u.id = a.id<BR><BR>T<BR><BR>Hello,<BR> Thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention one thing though. I have created a dataset with 2 different tables, "customers" and "orders" and I also have defined the relationship between them, using the DataRelation object. I want display the grid using the data from the dataset. how would i do it?