displaying image from php file (stored in mysql db)


New Member
I'm trying to display an image stored in mysql database.I store it this way:\[code\]if (isset($_SESSION['mod']) && (isset($_GET['upload'])) ) { if (isset($_FILES['image']) && $_FILES['image']['size'] > 0) { $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root"); mysql_select_db("psi", $con); // Temporary file name stored on the server $tmpName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; // Read the file $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10538523/fread($fp, filesize($tmpName)); $data = addslashes($data); fclose($fp); //now i use <tmpName> as an actual name of file $tmpName = $_FILES['image']['name']; if (isset($_GET['name'])) $tmpName = $_GET['name']; $uname = $_SESSION['uname']; $idObj = mysql_query("SELECT id_object AS id FROM tobject WHERE uname = '$uname'"); $idObj = mysql_fetch_assoc($idObj); $idObj = $idObj['id']; // Create the query and insert // into our database. $query = "INSERT INTO slike "; $query .= "VALUES ('', '$idObj', '$data', '$tmpName')"; $results = mysql_query($query, $con); // Print results print "Thank you, your file has been uploaded.";}else { print "No image selected/uploaded";}\[/code\]}I suppose this is ok.. It does store something in db (appropriate size), but I can't see what it is manually.. So, when I try to fetch it with this code:\[code\]else if (isset($_GET['idSlike'])) {$idSlike = $_GET['idSlike']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root"); mysql_select_db("psi", $con);$res = mysql_query("SELECT slika FROM slike WHERE id_slika = '$idSlike'");if (!$res) { die("greska: " . mysql_error());};$slika = mysql_fetch_array($res);$slika = $slika['slika'];header('Content-Type: ' . $slika['mimetype']);echo $slika;}\[/code\]\[quote\] note: both storing and getting images from db are in same file (image.php)...\[/quote\]I don't get anything...I tried displaying it with: \[code\]<img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10538523/image.php?idSlike=10"/>\[/code\]\[quote\] i hardcoded ids but they exist in db\[/quote\]i also tried with\[code\]echo "<img src=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10538523//"image.php?idSlike=13\">";\[/code\]through another php file but all i get is an empty image (with correct src)I'm using xampp (mysql 5.5.16; PHP 5.3.8)...