i have placed a gridview on my page and linked it to LinqDataSourceFemale (Female Table of Database) and i have a search event code like the below one\[code\] protected void ButtonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using(BerouDataContext Data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15689773/new BerouDataContext()) { if (DropDownListGender.SelectedItem.Text =="Male") { int age = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListAge.Text); string education = DropDownListEducation.Text.ToString(); string maritalstatus = DropDownListMaritalStatus.Text.ToString(); //var religion = DropDownListReligion.Text.ToString(); string caste = DropDownListCaste.Text.ToString(); string city = DropDownListCity.ToString(); var SearchResultBoys = Data.Males.Where(tan => (tan.Age == age) && (tan.Education == education) && (tan.Group == maritalstatus) && (tan.Caste == caste)); GridViewMale.DataSourceID = ""; GridViewMale.DataSource = SearchResultBoys; GridViewMale.DataBind(); } else if (DropDownListGender.SelectedItem.Text == "Female") { int age = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListAge.Text); string education = DropDownListEducation.Text.ToString(); string maritalstatus = DropDownListMaritalStatus.Text.ToString(); //var religion = DropDownListReligion.Text.ToString(); string caste = DropDownListCaste.Text.ToString(); string city = DropDownListCity.ToString(); var SearchResultGirls = Data.Females.Where(tan => (tan.Age == age) && (tan.Education == education) && (tan.Group == maritalstatus) && (tan.Caste == caste)); GridViewFemale.DataSourceID = ""; GridViewFemale.DataSource = SearchResultGirls; GridViewFemale.DataBind(); } } }\[/code\]grid view doesnt appear after button click, please help me.