I am no expert at all in html. I am trying to scrape a webpage and I am finding the following problem with the html code.The url of the page in question is the following:http://www.venere.com/es/espana/bilbao/#p|1;f:o|venere_ranking-t|L-z|all_areas-r|r6-c|all_rateif you go to the webpage you should see a "no hotels found" message in spanish.The problem is the following:If you open this page in mozilla (5.0) the code does not match the displayed page, instead in the source code there is a list of hotels available when there should not be any.If you open the page in chrome and look at the source code with the chrome tool everything seems correct, no hotel lists, and the "no results message" is in the source code. Does anybody understand what is happening?I am getting the page content not through any browser but through some python code that uses the urllib2 library and this gets the same code as the mozilla browser not as the one that chrome gets.