display video to a html page


New Member
i have an application in which i browse a video and store that in a folder and save the path to a database.the path is like:\[code\]http://dc620x_abcd/DesktopModules/DNNCentric-VC_ManageLessions/rq/ref/1.mp4 \[/code\]on a next page i want to display the same video in an html page. i tried using \[code\]iFrame\[/code\] of Html as \[code\] <iframe id="frame1" runat="server" visible="false" style="height: 222px; width: 482px;"> </iframe>Finalpath = filepath + filename; frame1.Visible = true; frame1.Attributes.Add("embed src", Finalpath);\[/code\]but it doesnt provide much help as it doesn't provide the video embedded in an iFrame(instead of playing the video in an iframe it ask for the download ).can i make the video to be played in an \[code\]iframe\[/code\] or what are the other ways to perform the same task. thanks for any assistence