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I am using rails to make a search request.The search form's action is a certain path "/results/foo" .. which hits a controller that does some validation of input and then redirects to "results/foobar" if search-text was clean.\[code\]<h1 class="center"><progress style="font-size: 160%;">Loading...</progress></h1>\[/code\]I'd like to show the above html.. and only the above html (either in a view or via jquery) until "results/foobar" has fully loaded.Is there a way to show such a progress bar animation (html) until final page has completed loading?More Details (The search bar page has code like this):\[code\]<form class="form-search" action="/s_results/iscan" method="POST"> <div class="input-append"> <input name="searchtext" type="text" class="span4 search-query" placeholder="Type number here..."> <button type="submit" class="btn"> <i class="icon-search"></i> Search </button> </div> </form>\[/code\]