I have a .aspx page with a textbox, a button and a Listview control.The user should write any text on the textbox, click the button and receive the results on the listview.The method with the query:\[code\]public IQueryable<Midia> GetMidias(string busca) { var db = new Locadora.Models.LocadoraContexto(); IQueryable<Midia> query = from m in db.Midias join f in db.Filmes on m.FilmeID equals f.FilmeID where f.TituloFilme.Contains(busca) select m; return query; }\[/code\]The button click event:\[code\]protected void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ GetMidias(SearchTextBox.Text);}\[/code\]When the user clicks the button, the listview remains empty. The query is ok, I've already tested it on SQL Server Management Studio, and if I put it on the Page_Load event, the listview shows the data correctly. I don't know how to make it on the button_click.The select method of the listview is: SelectMethod="GetMidias"