display result by mathing all input not only one


New Member
wwhen i click checkbox white then i get result corect and i also type min or max price but its not search with price nothing display. i need display out with selected checkbox and wirh price which i type.\[code\] <input type="text" name="pricem" id="pricem"> //min price <input type="text" name="pricex" id="pricex"> //max price <input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle;" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15915377/White" name="pearlcolor0"> //color check box $advance = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM products WHERE scolor1='".$pearlcolor0."' AND products.product_price BETWEEN '".$pricem."' AND '".$pricex."' ORDER BY products.product_name ASC ");\[/code\]