Display problems of .aspx pages on the mac


New Member
Hi everybody,<BR><BR>today I encountered an interesting "feature" when using .aspx pages on the Mac using Netscape 4.7. It is not a functional issue but something strange concering font-types. You can't change the font-family to something else than the "good ole" Times New Roman. For example the following line displays text in a sans-serif font on all all browsers on Mac and PC:<BR><font face="verdana,arial,sans-serif">Font-Test</font><BR>or<BR><div style="font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif">Font-Test</div><BR>But it only works if the file has an extension other than .aspx!<BR>If you save one of these lines as test.aspx then Netscape on the Mac will just ignore the font-family, it does show colors and all other attributes though. If you view the page source from within the browser then it's absolutely identical, but the result is different between .aspx and .html or .asp. This is definitely a BUG within the Netscape browser on the Mac, but it makes .aspx pages nearly useless for me because many of our clients use just that: Mac and Netscape (you know those design companies :-) ).<BR>Anyway: Is there a way to assign some other extension than .aspx to ASP.NET files so that that stupid browser still can display it properly. If there is a way then please tell me since I don't want to rewrite all the modules in old shitty vbscript.<BR><BR>Thanks a lot in advance<BR><BR>Martin