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i am having a asp web page that retrieves value from shows the fields without having there anyway to display only the fields having values..this is my table[] [][] "Mfg Dt and Exp Dt as per Annexure enclosed"this square brackets contain null values..if the field is empty then this square bracket will not come
in first row i am having 2 sets of square brackets and in second row i am having the values in 2 sets..i need to show only the square bracket having values like in the second row..if the value is empty then dont want to show that empty brackets.sql query \[code\]select I.[Old Product Code], I.[Trade Name], I.[Short Name], SUM(Quantity) as Qty,I.[Base Box UOM], SIH.[Customer Marks - 1] ,SIH.[Bill-to Name],SIH.[Bill-to Address], SIH.[Ship-to Name], SIH.[Ship-to Address], SIH.[Ship-to Address 2] ,SIH.[Ship-to City], SIH.[Ship-to Post Code],SIH.[Country of Origin of Goods],SIH.[Bill-to Address 2] ,SIH.[Bill-to City] , SIH.[Bill-to Post Code], CR.Name ,C.Contact,SIH.[Total Boxes], CASE when SIL.[Dimension Group Code] = 'IOL' then I.[Group Description] END ,CASE when I.[EPCG License] = 1 then 'EPCG'end,case when SIL.[Dimension Group Code] = 'IOL' then 'DEEC' when I.[DEEC Lic_] = 1 then 'DEEC'end as abcdfrom [Sales Invoice Header] SIH ,[Customer] C, [Country_Region] CR, [Sales Invoice Line] SIL,[Item] I where I.No_ = SIL.No_ and SIL.[Document No_]='PEXP1213-110' and SIH.No_ = SIL.[Document No_] and C.No_ = SIH.[Bill-to Customer No_] and C.[Country_Region Code] = CR.Code group by I.[Old Product Code], I.[Trade Name], I.[Short Name], SIH.[Sell-to Customer Name],SIH.[Sell-to City],SIH.[Customer Marks - 1],SIL.[Dimension Group Code],I.[Group Description], SIH.[Country of Origin of Goods], SIH.[Ship-to Name],SIH.[Ship-to Address], SIH.[Ship-to Address 2] , SIH.[Ship-to City], SIH.[Ship-to Post Code],SIH.[Bill-to Name],SIH.[Bill-to Address],SIH.[Bill-to Address 2],SIH.[Bill-to City] , SIH.[Bill-to Post Code],SIH.[Total Boxes],C.Contact ,CR.Name,I.[Base Box UOM], I.[EPCG License],I.[DEEC Lic_]\[/code\]