Display on top of FRAMES


Please help. I'm building a web page with frames using a top frame as menu bar. Is there a way to make the pull down menu's (tables) visible on top of the other frames rather than staying within the frame border? Z_INDEX does not seem to do the trick.<!--content-->I don't think so no :( sorry<!--content-->The z-index on frames is infinity. It may be possible to play with it in IE5.5+ but I have not seen it work correctly. In IE 5.5 yo can usually get a select to stay on top of the border.<br />
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Cd&<!--content-->Can't be done...Everything in a frame stays in the frame.<!--content-->That's one resason why I dont use frames. Maybe you could simply use a table at the top. I thought I saw a script before that fixed this but not sure where it was. Try <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hotscripts.com">http://www.hotscripts.com</a><!-- m --><br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->I had this problem once, java applet drop down menus can't even do over content in the same frame due to security problems<br />
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