New Member
I have created a script that logs into a website, but now I need help. Here is the main script that logs me in, pretty self explanatory. \[code\] WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("login").SetAttribute("value", txtUsername.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("passwd").SetAttribute("value", txtPassword.Text) WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("SI").InvokeMember("Click")\[/code\]Now, what I am trying to do is make it tell me if I have used the right log in or not (the website i'm using is live.com). So obviously I'm going to need something that can read the page, and if it finds this "That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different email address or get a new account." or this "That password is incorrect. Be sure you're using the password for your Microsoft account." then it should say something along the lines of this in a message box: "Could not log in". But if it's successful it should read something else, and also redirect it to a page. Can anyone give me any references or tips on how to start this?