disappearing form field


Dear Forum,<br />
<br />
When you press enter on my form, the field "Dividend-Rate (%)" disappears. All other fields, plus the result get returned. I can't figure out what's happening to this one input field??? It also is not being used in the calculation. <br />
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Any help would be appreciated!<br />
<br />
Here's the url:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iviews.biz/Pomerantz/black-scholes.htm">http://www.iviews.biz/Pomerantz/black-scholes.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks<br />
<br />
Laurie<!--content-->hi,<br />
<br />
i think your problem lies within an extra space:<br />
onFocus="window.status='Enter dividend rate'"<br />
<br />
see that after Enter ?<br />
<br />
it returns a space in that field, so try and remove that<!--content-->add "var" to the script like this<br />
<br />
var strike= form.strike.value;<br />
var price= form.price.value;<!--content-->sorry, that was not it. the reson it disappears is because you are clearing it<br />
<br />
form.intd.value= " ";<br />
<br />
take that out and it shows up<!--content-->Hi! Yes that was it! I removed the <br />
form.intd.value= " ";<br />
<br />
and that took care of it. Didn't notice I was clearing it out before display...<br />
<br />
Thanks!<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />