disabling adverts

hi all <br />
my free web provider gives me free web space but i have to make do with his annoying pop up adverts -- in the past i have either disabled these ads or made them open up behind my web page so as not to affect the look of my web site , <br />
i cannot remeber how to do this --all i can remember was i had to add a couple of lines of html code in my index page -- <br />
please please help if you can <br />
many many thanks<!--content-->Hi mucker,<br />
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welcome to the forum.... and grrr.... booo....<br />
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if you don't want popups pay for a host!;)<!--content-->Try Web 1000. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.web1000.com">http://www.web1000.com</a><!-- m -->) All they do is add a link to their homepage at the bottom of your pages. No banners, no pop-ups.<br />
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HTH<!--content-->Originally posted by mucker <br />
hi all <br />
my free web provider gives me free web space <br />
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NOTHING is free. Popups are the price you have to pay to use their service. <br />
Either pay for a host, or ask your "free" host if it would be okay for you to send them a bit of money every once in a while to stop doing it. :joke:<!--content-->Originally posted by RJD <br />
Try Web 1000. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.web1000.com">http://www.web1000.com</a><!-- m -->) All they do is add a link to their homepage at the bottom of your pages. No banners, no pop-ups.<br />
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HTH <br />
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and you can use CSS to make that text blend in with the background :D!<!--content-->Originally posted by Gregory <br />
and you can use CSS to make that text blend in with the background :D! <br />
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Along with all the other tricks, against the free hosts terms of service!! (i imagine, if they haven't got that in their TOS then they're pretty slow on the ball!!)<br />
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or is that slow of the mark? argg, you know what i mean lol<!--content-->