disable right clicking


ok i know that people like you and i can still see the code... but the typical person that is trying to steal my site and pictures cannot. i was able to disable right click in IE.... is there a way to do it in Netscape too?<!--content-->Hmmmm. I would suggest you don't try anything like that, but thats me. Besides if someone is trying to steal your site, then that means that they know what they are doing, and that means you can't do a thing about it, and that mea..... yeah yeah you get the point.<!--content-->and the purpose of the right click is???<br />
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do you realize they can take the screen print and still get it???????? no right clicking involved.<!--content-->I know we're not being very useful, but here's a little help: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=no+right+click+script">http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... ick+script</a><!-- m --><br />
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HOWEVER, I still have to ask WHY????? Basically the rule of thumb is if you have something you don't want stolen do NOT put it online.<br />
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I actually have another major philosophical gripe about things like no right-click or other ways of hiding source and that is it's a way of learning. NONE of us here would have learnt much without going to a site and saying, "Hmmm, that's interesting... I wonder how they did that?" And then viewing the source.<br />
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Besides it's not the newbies (and they'd have to have been online less than a week) you have to worry about anyway, they don't even know about right-click. In other words, anyone who knows that right-click = view source or save picture, etc knows that there are ways around no right-click.<br />
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In other words.....POINTLESS AND ANNOYING!!!<br />
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Neil<br />
PS: For those who can't handle it when I state an opinion strongly....have a smiley :)<!--content-->