Disable icons appearing in photos in IE6.0?


I "upgraded" to IE 6.0 not too long ago and was quite chagrinned to find that when one moves the mouse over an image a set of four icons appears. Clicking on these icons results, respectively in saving, printing, e-mailing, or opening the directory on my hard drive, My Documents/My Pictures.<br />
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Is there any java script I could copy and paste into my HTML pages that would disable this Image Tool Bar?<!--content-->DISABLE IMAGE TOOLBAR ON IE6.<br />
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Use one or all of the following depending upon your requirement<br />
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1. add the following meta tag<br />
<br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no"> <br />
<br />
2. For a specific image add this as an image tag attribute<br />
<br />
GALLERYIMG="no"<br />
<br />
3. Disable it from your IE browsers settings<br />
<br />
tools > <br />
internet Options > <br />
Advanced and then uncheck the box marked <br />
"Enable image toolbar"<!--content-->Didn't think it would be that easy.<br />
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Thanks so much, Khalid.<!--content-->