directory shortcut?


i have this site in html and i've made it in two languages... my own language and english. the engish one is in a separate folder. now i would like to have shortcut back to my images folder.. BUT HOW DO YOU DO THAT? <br />
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I'm on a mac here, as it's said this is done on unix!?<br />
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that easier to change all my link into....... umm... into what exactly!? lol... they look like this now:<br />
<br />
<br />
"images/picture1.jpg"<br />
<br />
should it be like this:<br />
<br />
"../images/picture1.jpg"<br />
<br />
?????<!--content-->try using :<br />
<br />
../images/picture1.jpg<br />
<br />
and see if it works OK on your webhosting server. It should.<br />
<br />
The foolproof method is to use the entire URL:<br />
<br />
<img src=><br />
<br />
but if everything else is equal and using:<br />
<br />
images/picture1.jpg<br />
<br />
works with files in the one folder it will work with files in the other folder (english) is they are in the same directory of your webserver, which I assume will be the root directory, something like this:<br />
<br />
images<br />
cgi-bin<br />
english<br />
french<br />
german<br />
spanish<br />
<br />
all the above directories will be able to display the images in the images folder with just using:<br />
<br />
images/picture1.jpg<!--content-->Where is the images folder in relation to the root directory?<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
I don't like all this ../../../ stuff to go back up the tree. I like to count from the root folder, so I begin the path with the / instead:<br />
<br />
/folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/images/filename.jpg<!--content-->index.html<br />
main.html<br />
language1.html<br />
sounds<br />
images<br />
sitestyle.css<br />
english<br />
<br />
that's in the root folder<br />
<br />
and the index.html, main.html, language2.html are located in the english folder too... so the path is different for the hmtl files in the root folder than for the html files in the english folder.<!--content-->This way<br />
<br />
root<br />
index.html <br />
(-with a link to <br />
index dir eng and <br />
index dir dutch)<br />
<br />
sounds<br />
images<br />
sitestyle.css<br />
<br />
directory english<br />
index.html<br />
main.html<br />
page1.html<br />
page2.html<br />
<br />
<br />
directory dutch<br />
index.html<br />
main.html<br />
page1.html<br />
page2.html<br />
<br />
:cool:<!--content-->what's the link to go back one folder/directory?<!--content-->To go up one use: ../ but as I said above, it is better to count from the root.<br />
<br />
If you count from the root and you then move a page to a new place somewhere else on the site then the "count from the root" link will still work; but for a page using the "go back" route it will fail.<br />
<br />
Additionally, search engines will have less work to do if you state the full path relative to the root. You wanna make your site easy for Google to index, no?<br />
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