Directory Script Install Help


Not sure where to post this but.<br />Downloaded a directory script and part of the install directions are:<br /><br />>) set parameters of your database<br />1. Database Host. Usually 'localhost'. If not sure contact your hosting provider.<br />2. Database Socket. Usually '/tmp/mysql.sock'. If not sure contact your hosting provider.<br />3. Database Port. Usually '3306'. If not sure contact your hosting provider.<br /><br />2 and 3 I don't have a clue what the settings are on my "local server". I'm using xampp. How can I find out what the socket and port settings are?<br /><br />This at the time is just for my local server not TCH. Just want to see if it's (the script) worth a darn.<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
The default port that MySQL servers use is 3306, and the default socket on Linux systems is '/tmp/mysql.sock'. Unless you have reason to believe the MySQL server under XAMPP is not using the default port and socket, I'd suggest trying those settings and see if the script works.<!--content-->
Thanks David<br /><br />Greg<!--content-->