Directory problems


Hi there, i'm a beginner to ASP.NET and have been having a few issues with included files. I'm using includes to use a header file which is working fine but the problem is that when i have files in a sub directory using the same header as the pages in the top directory. The problem is that the title image url is changed on the header file when it is included in the sub directory page. i need to be able to find the server path and add it to the image url but im not sure how to do this. I sorry but i counldn't find any info on the web.

Any suggestions appreciated

JakeI am assuming you are currently using include virtual, if you use include file you can have an absolute path.Yeah, the image in your include file either needs an absolute Url or a Virtual Url.
Absolute: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Virtual: /therootdirectoryofyoursite/image/yourimage.jpg