Direct button link to a frame


Staff member
Thank you but none of you have clarify my simple problem
I have the code:

<input type=button name=button value=" Home " style="font-
family: Arial; font-size: 8pt" onMouseOver=''''mOver()'''''''' onMouseDown=''''document.myForm.button.value="Bine..."'''' onClick=''''window.location=""'''' onMouseOut=''''mOut()''''>
<input type=button name=button1 value=" Talente " style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt" onMouseOver=''''mOver1()'''''''' onMouseDown=''''document.myForm.button1.value="Bine..."''''

Where to insert the target=main (let's say)

and please copy and insert in my above code the right syntax with target

Is it true that hover button in Frontpage are slow ?