New Member
Hello to all and sorry if i miss group, here is my problemo [
] <BR><BR>on my aspx page have some imagebutton when i click on them in codebehind <BR>i create new imagebutton and place it on page.<BR><BR>ImageButton d= new ImageButton();<BR>d.ID="d";<BR>pagecontrol.controls.add(d);<BR><BR>then i assign new click event to ImageButton<BR> += new System.Web.UI.ImageEventHandler(d_Click);<BR><BR>but after i click on new imagebutton wich is on my page nothin hapend <BR>beside post hapend( i have procedure name d_Click);<BR> Can some one help me where I'm doing wrong? [:-(] <BR><BR>off the top of my head, it's possible that by dynamically adding buttons as you are, they are falling outside the <form runat="server"></form> tag. view source and see if that's what's happening.<BR><BR>If it is, I don't have a solution....sorry..<BR><BR>karlno, I have placeholder element in wich i add imagebutton, than i add all placeholder into span tag wich is initi. in aspx code but don't have any element.<BR><BR>if enybody can help me :-(