Is there anyway to put 2 diffrent codes in a page and if the varable is changed, then have it use a diffrent html coade on the same page.
like have a table with two sectiuons, one is a password box. when you enter the right one, the other table section will change into another <html> file(well incompleat html stase the same but shows diffrent stuff or another diffrent htm code). have stuff show up when the pw is entered correctly. a function uses the pw, if correct it will somehow make the table look diffrent.
like have a table with two sectiuons, one is a password box. when you enter the right one, the other table section will change into another <html> file(well incompleat html stase the same but shows diffrent stuff or another diffrent htm code). have stuff show up when the pw is entered correctly. a function uses the pw, if correct it will somehow make the table look diffrent.