different web page size question

hi,<br />
My question is regarding a web page layout. I know that I can use either 100% for table widths so that the page resizes for any screen resoulution or use fixed widths. <br />
But the problem i face is that when i use 100% for tables the page looks a bit ugly when the windows size is made smaller then a certain value. I have seen some pages that use 100% , but the contents are resized upto a certain window size only. Anything smaller then that the contents donot resize and the person has to increase the windows size to see the remaining contents.. How can I do that????<br />
Any ideas???<br />
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Thanks a lot.<!--content-->CSS has a min-width property for instance:<br />
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h2 { min-width: 50px; }<!--content-->Thanks. But can i use this property for a table cell.??<!--content-->if you use percentages than you can't. if you want to limit the size than you have to use a set width.<br />
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do you have an example<!--content-->Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I was looking for the same thing...for use on a table cell. Here is my example:<br />
<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><br />
<tr><br />
<td style="min-width:300px;">this is a test</td><br />
<td style="min-width:300px;">this is a test</td><br />
</tr><br />
<tr><br />
<td>this is a test</td><br />
<td>this is a test</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><!--content-->min-width doesn't work in IE I don't believe.<!--content-->probably a redundant question, but max-width same thing?<!--content-->yup, I have been finding out tha tIE6 doesn't do a lot of css2, I mean a lot<!--content-->Bummer...hasn't w3c recommended CSS2 for a few years now? You'd think they'd catch on<!--content-->I apologize for this being a bit off topic, but I thought I would comment on IE. We won't be getting any browser updates from Microsoft until they release Longhorn, they're next operating system. Currently, they are scheduled to release Longhorn in 2005, which most likely means that it won't actually get released until sometime in 2006 or so. IE for Macintosh has also been stopped. This means that we are stuck with a browser that has very little CSS2 implementation for at least another 3 years. My recommendation, Download <!--more--> either Mozilla (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mozilla.org/">http://www.mozilla.org/</a><!-- m -->) or Opera (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.opera.com/">http://www.opera.com/</a><!-- m -->). If you want Mozilla but don't want all of the other nonsense that goes with it, like the mail client and whatnot, then Download <!--more--> Mozilla Firebird (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/">http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/</a><!-- m -->). Mozilla is the most standards compliant browser out there right now, and I use it as my default browser and have for quite some time now.<!--content-->Originally posted by doogxela <br />
I apologize for this being a bit off topic, but I thought I would comment on IE. We won't be getting any browser updates from Microsoft until they release Longhorn, they're next operating system. Currently, they are scheduled to release Longhorn in 2005, which most likely means that it won't actually get released until sometime in 2006 or so. IE for Macintosh has also been stopped. This means that we are stuck with a browser that has very little CSS2 implementation for at least another 3 years. My recommendation, Download <!--more--> either Mozilla (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mozilla.org/">http://www.mozilla.org/</a><!-- m -->) or Opera (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.opera.com/">http://www.opera.com/</a><!-- m -->). If you want Mozilla but don't want all of the other nonsense that goes with it, like the mail client and whatnot, then Download <!--more--> Mozilla Firebird (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/">http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/</a><!-- m -->). Mozilla is the most standards compliant browser out there right now, and I use it as my default browser and have for quite some time now. :stupid:<!--content-->Ok my angle on forcing a page not to go below a certain width.<br />
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A transparent gif. Lets say you dont wish a table to collapse below say 500px. I would create a gif that measures 1px by 500px and transparent. I would then place this within the table cell so that it cant collapse below that size. If you have more than one col then I would break up the gif to 100, 300 and 100px for example to cover all cols.<br />
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Simple really.<br />
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You can then have a table at 100% but below a certain size the viewer is forced to use the scrollbars or expand the browser to full size.<!--content-->As for Explorer updates... there will never be any ever again.<br />
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The next version will only be incorporated into Longhorn and it wont be available for Download <!--more--> for any other system.<br />
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Thus MS have stopped pruducing browsers for anyone other than their new op systems which comes pre-installed. So if you use XP, ME, 2000, 98, 95 etc you will never get another version ever again.<!--content-->I do the same with a transparant gif, but I make it 1x1 and use css to size it. BUT, it still sux that IE doesn't properly support css2<!--content-->What if the browser isn't fully css compliant, then it wont work. Nice idea tho.<!--content-->Originally posted by entimp <br />
As for Explorer updates... there will never be any ever again.<br />
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The next version will only be incorporated into Longhorn and it wont be available for Download <!--more--> for any other system.<br />
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Thus MS have stopped pruducing browsers for anyone other than their new op systems which comes pre-installed. So if you use XP, ME, 2000, 98, 95 etc you will never get another version ever again. :stupid:<!--content-->Sorry if I'm taking this off-topic, but I would be interested in y'all's opinions... is IE6 even safe to browse with? The four (4 - count them) holes Microsoft recently found for which I haven't seen any info about a patch yet being a case in point. <br />
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I like computers, web design, and learning more about them. I read a lot online on this stuff, such as the above posts on IE vs. MozillaFirebird, etc., and pass on the comments but I mostly get patted on the head from my family. "There goes Mom again with her techy mumbojumbo." :rolleyes: I've gotten my family members to stop using the preview panes in Outlook Express but comments about IE being kinda dumb to browse with fall on deaf ears. They're used to it; they like it. If Microsoft isn't going to update I.E.6 ever, we all ought to be "with stupid" and change over, but instead we ARE stupid and don't.<!--content-->in my opinion, NO. even if they patch the holes, it is still unsafe. if you just let them try the others for 1 day then they will change their mind. they will see it is just faster to run, more pages to connect as once while still in one browser, less resources used also. the tab interface is the best as it doesn't fill your startbar.<!--content-->Get Mozilla or Firebird.<br />
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You won't regret it.<!--content-->Originally posted by giz <br />
Get Mozilla or Firebird.<br />
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You won't regret it. :stupid:<!--content-->