Differences in pixels in height...

Have a div extending to a specified height using "min-height" and is showing differently (I'm thinking based on pixel-size) in different browsers. Here's the results:

Firefox, Mozilla, and Netscape are showing one height (shortest)
Opera shows another height (a little bit longer)
IE shows another height (longest)

I have a div set to a min-height of 200px and no borders, margins, or padding.

Any ideas?

Thanx.Looks like the pixel differences are as follows:

Firefox, Mozilla, and Netscape = 200px

Opera = 210px - 215px

IE = 225px

Thanx.What is inside the div? And also, IE doesn't support min-height, although it threats "height" as min-height, I think at least.Also, take a look here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wellstyled.com/css-minheight-hack.htmlThis">http://wellstyled.com/css-minheight-hack.htmlThis</a><!-- m --> is what I'm using now:

#lcolum {
#lcolum[id] {

With this, FF, M, and N read the "min-height" and display properly. ID reads the "height" and displays properly. However, Opera is reading the "min-height" as well, but does not display properly.

Thanx.Sorry, I was looking at the wrong code.

Attached, you'll find the markup, css, etc.

Pay close attention to the space between the bottom of the last graphic button on the right and the top of the footer.

If anyone can figure it out, I'd really like to know why Opera is translating differently.

Thanx again.ne1?

:confused:Okay, okay.

Perhaps people are hesitant in Download ing the zip file because they're worrying about viruses and the like. I understand that completely.

So...take a look at this instead.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freewebs.com/stmasi/">http://www.freewebs.com/stmasi/</a><!-- m -->

Keep in mind my previous posts about the extra space Opera is applying between the bottom of the last graphical button on the right and the top of the footer.

Thanx.No takers, eh?

:DIs there (maybe) a way to insert an element into my CSS that only Opera will recongnize? I don't know...maybe something like the difference between the "height" and "min-height" I'm using to set the height difference between the Gecko-based browsers and IE?

Thanx again.Bummer.

I thought for sure one of you CSS gurus would be able to help me out.

Thanx anyways.