Differances between IE and NS ???


I made this site for a friend.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imahosting.com/home.php">http://www.imahosting.com/home.php</a><!-- m --><br />
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And when I made it I tested it in IE.<br />
But he says it doesn't look right in Netscape. :(<br />
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What are the differances between Netscape and IE?<br />
What would I need to do to make them cross platform compatible?<!--content-->the difference is netscape sucks and ie doesnt.<br />
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netscape doesnt support alot of css coding such as the <div style=position:absolute; top:60px; left:80px> ya it may be nice and easy to use but netscape doesnt support it<!--content-->just to clarify. Netscape will accept the <div> tag. it just doesn't to the position very well.<br />
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I think the major problem with that site in Netscape4.79 is that NS doesn't work to well with images in tables. other than that it doesn't look to bad. nothing that can't be fixed.<!--content-->